Members of the UTSPAN community got together to present captivating sports analytics projects that they have been working on.

The program was:
6:10pm – 6:30pm
Hayden Groer, Bhanu Mamillapalli, Daniel Lim, Siddhi Bansal, Adam Mainella
A Metric-Driven Analysis of Defending the Golden State Warriors
Submitted to the 2023 Syracuse University Basketball Analytics Competition
6:30pm – 7:00pm
Hassaan Inayatali, Daniel Hocevar, Aaron White
Between the Lines: How Do We Measure Pressure in the NFL?
Finalist for the 2023 NFL Big Data Bowl ($10,000 prize money)

7:00pm – 7:15pm
7:15pm – 7:40pm
David Awosoga, University of Waterloo
Beyond the Boxscore: Applications of Team and Individual Performance Evaluation Metrics in U SPORTS Basketball
Undergraduate thesis, University of Lethbridge
7:40pm – 8:00pm
Aaron White, Ethan Baron, (Daniel Hocevar, Kabir Malik)
RIPP: Holistic Player Evaluation with Region-Based Isolated Player Performance
Winner of the undergraduate category at the 2022 Big Data Cup ($1,000 prize money)