Members of the UTSPAN community got together for our largest showcase ever to present captivating sports analytics projects that they have been working on.

Our showcase took place on March 27th, from 6-9 pm at the Bahen Centre for Information Technology, at 40 St George St, Toronto, Ontario in room BA2145. The presentations that occurred are listed below:

SMT Data Challenge: This Isn’t a Stretch: Quantifying Ball Acquisition Proficiency to Evaluate Fielders on Assisted Put-Outs. This project won $1000 as winners of the Graduate Division. Authors: David Awosoga, Aaron White, Daniel Hocevar, Jaden Majumdar. University of Toronto, University of Waterloo.

2024 Big Data Cup: Zone Entries. Authors: Zeke Weng, Samarth Sharma, Daniel Du, Alexander Khan. University of Toronto

2024 NFL Big Data Bowl: Every Step You Take: Measuring A Defender’s Moves. This project won $5000 as runners-up! Authors: Hassaan Inayatali, Aaron White, Daniel Hocevar, Jaden Majumdar. University of Toronto.

2023 Linköping Hockey Analytics Conference: Comparing Defensive Pressures Using Possession Retention Probability and Expected Goals. This project was a finalist for the student competition! Authors: David Awosoga, Justin Cue, Aujin Li, Jaden Majumdar, Juno Wang. University of Toronto, University of Waterloo

NBA Player Scorecards. Author: Fauzan Lodi, University of Waterloo

Evaluating Player Influence in the National Hockey League using Player Puck Tracking DataAuthor: Hassaan Inayatali, University of Toronto.

NHL Positivity Index. Authors: Jacob Winch, Tanmay Munjal, Heiby Lau, Alexander Bradley, Yukesh Subedi, Arden Monaghan, William Luo. University of Alberta.

2024 NFL Big Data Bowl: Tackles Above Average. Authors: Jacob Winch, Colton Schneider, Siddhartha Chitrakar. University of Alberta.

2024 Big Data Cup: Special Teams. Authors: Victor Hau, Jason Alizadeh, Kishan Vethanayagam, Matthew Braho. University of Toronto.

2024 NFL Big Data Bowl: Tackle Redistribution: ‘T’ in Tackle is for Team. Author: Zeke Weng. University of Toronto.

2023 Annual Showcase

Members of the UTSPAN community got together to present captivating sports analytics projects that they have been working on.

The program was:

6:10pm – 6:30pm
Hayden Groer, Bhanu Mamillapalli, Daniel Lim, Siddhi Bansal, Adam Mainella
A Metric-Driven Analysis of Defending the Golden State Warriors
Submitted to the 2023 Syracuse University Basketball Analytics Competition

6:30pm – 7:00pm
Hassaan Inayatali, Daniel Hocevar, Aaron White
Between the Lines: How Do We Measure Pressure in the NFL?
Finalist for the 2023 NFL Big Data Bowl ($10,000 prize money)

7:00pm – 7:15pm

7:15pm – 7:40pm
David Awosoga, University of Waterloo
Beyond the Boxscore: Applications of Team and Individual Performance Evaluation Metrics in U SPORTS Basketball
Undergraduate thesis, University of Lethbridge

7:40pm – 8:00pm
Aaron White, Ethan Baron, (Daniel Hocevar, Kabir Malik)
RIPP: Holistic Player Evaluation with Region-Based Isolated Player Performance
Winner of the undergraduate category at the 2022 Big Data Cup ($1,000 prize money)